Scatter plot style adjustments do not work for data sets with >700 data points. I can share the plot if necessary.
27-07-2023 -
Newest / Oldest
Could you send us the original dataset (csv or excel ) that you import or paste from? You could email it to We're trying to figure out how this error comes about, as it cannot be reproduced with other datasets, or even with your dataset when a trace is re-added.
In any case, it doesn't have anything to do with the number of points.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Could you send us the original dataset (csv or excel ) that you import or paste from? You could email it to We're trying to figure out how this error comes about, as it cannot be reproduced with other datasets, or even with your dataset when a trace is re-added.
In any case, it doesn't have anything to do with the number of points.
Hi, I can confirm the issue, we will investigate. But if you just remove the trace and add it again, everything works fine.
I also shared the plot
My guess is every style adjustment. I tested, color, size and border style
Yes, please share! What style adjustments? Just changing point color?
Status changed to: Under review